Thursday, March 29, 2012

Are these guys nuts? would seem the answer is….


according to this this report in Wednesday nights Nelson Mail, apparently not?


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don’t know that I’d ever told you…


this before but Nelson has quite a strong rowing heritage…..


and me, well via family interests have quite a contact …..


….with the sport over the ages….

20080127_154 (Large)

probably goes back to both of our children's selection in OZ into pre-Olympic training camps back in the early 90s.


Let me tell you one thing for sure….


….if you want to illustrate structure to your children……


some like to call it by other names, perhaps discipline, but I digress, rowing is a supreme sport, and Nelson, being home to one of NZ’s oldest rowing clubs is just the perfect spot to indulge.


Well the perfect spot is so true because we are incredibly geographically blessed locally with the Boulder Bank (sadly if you click on this URL link you’ll only get 1 of the heaps of links you would get if you typed “Boulder” into my search box – perhaps you could try that example out to envisage my passion for the place I call home?) providing local sports – persons with a very safe place to conduct their pursuits.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Apparently this selection of Planets


tonight in the current evening sky is significant, cute that the moon decided to bump into the action tonight also. Obvious movement here is from the long exposure required – and in case you are wondering, no I do not have a $10,000 camera / telescope setup that syncs the earths rotation with the planets……(just thought I’d clear that one up.)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

This here…this is Cable Bay


Cable Bay – what a weird name – how did that come to pass…..

…..well them most famous of places (local wise) in NZ relate to where the “telegraph” came “ashore from Australia wise.”


And on a calm day…well frankly that’s just exactly what this area can do to you to…truly make you feel “all over” calm.


Let me share this with you – from personal experience, its true,


And yes…….for those amongst you regular “eagle eyed” readers…..who are left wondering….yes, actually you are right…that is exactly how & why the place originally got its name.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Me – well I suspect they were having a good time..


after all they were inside the Boulder Bank, residents of other places do not realise how protective that stretch of rock is. Email / txt me and I can tell you 0274 111 700.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

If you like sunshine

C360_2011-05-16 12-31-01

then email or txt me…. and I can tell you where in NZ you need to be to get “the most of it.”

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tahunanui Beach looking towards…


Rocks Rd and the recent slips that resulted from “that rain.”

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The tallest building in Nelson


is the Rutherford Hotel, not far from the top of Trafalgar St.


so you can be assured you’ll have good views from the higher floors definitely.l


Sunday, March 11, 2012

While conducting an Open Home this afternoon…


I heard noise emanating from down yonder, from the general direction of that patch of trees at Victory Square.


The reason for the music today, was the Race Unity Day 2012 held at Victory Square, a fabulous celebration of all things multi-cultural organised by the Nelson Multi-Cultural Council Inc.

I’m certain of one thing despite the very un Nelson like weather this afternoon, the food was fantastic!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Almost like day


was the amount from the moon this morning.


And yesterday morning was quite impressive too  ~ although had cloud cover to contend with. Disappointingly I didn’t spot any auroras overnight though.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yeah! Little Toot wins…

…..this years 13th Annual NZ Antique & Classic Boat Show for 2012, the Nelson Mail reports.

toot wins

Held at the Nelson Lakes National Park, Lake Rotoiti annually each March, the “little ship” (“that could”) punched well above her weight.


Marine Engineer Clint Skeltons creation rightly won the supreme award for 2012. It seems while Clint toiled and stressed himself working on millionaires and billionaires superyachts….he still seemed to long for times where he was “being busy in his spare time.”


As the Nelson Mail reports, after 3200hrs of his “spare time” this is what Clint has produced, & lovingly created, and what has obviously in 2012, been recognised…as an absolute “labour of love.”


I talked about Little Toot, here about a month ago, and after seeing “him” on a trailer passing thru Main Rd, Stoke at the lights last Thus / Fri….I thought that he was going onto “greater things” simply on account of how painstakingly accurate the detail I observed down at the marina, a month ago was carried out.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

HNZMS Wellington visited…


Port Nelson


this weekend


and held an open day Saturday.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Check out last nights sunset


not a bad place to be, huh?


Ok just in case you weren’t sure heres another pic! Its like, did the big guy just pick us, or what?

Not that I shop here regular like, but….


this notice last week caught my eye. And casting my memory back, I think Sainsbury or Campbell san did do a piece about over the last 6 months too.

I think someone’s been up to a bit of mischief


here on the outkirt’s of the city?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something that Mr Volvo might not…


have approved of.

View from Appleby Highway


this view is looking in a south easterly direction traversing Appleby Highway in the foreground, onto Bateup Road (pretty much obscured lower centre of photo) and onto Hart Rd which crosses Hill St, and then rises swiftly to its end-spot (upper top third of photo)