Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Yes I’ve pinched the photo from somewhere, but…


….it is, as a techo person …truly magnificent the progress made in recent years ….in the “storage wars?”

Pretty sure that beast the fork is loading onto a Panam flight is a 5 or 10mb hard disk drive (as they used to known)

And weird…..how true or not…it was a story passed to me from a friend who got it (well…thats what he told me) from “the source” that in those early days the company that sold these Hard Drives into organisations that needed “power”, well the machines actually had a “hidden” capacity.

As in…you had a 5 megabyte drive…but quite quickly your company decided it needed 10mb storage…so …cue …upgrade from company selling said device……technician arrives on site…..and unbeknownst to trusting paying customer…well to put it bluntly …the dude (cause they were back in the day) flicks a switch only he knows where it is.

Turns out…as soon as he’s left….said client is quite happy indeed…..cause you do indeed have 10mb and…so wow…so so quick!!!

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